July 2, 2008

The right 'work culture' & 'Multiple Exit interviews'

There are a few articles which can foster ideas. I came across one such amazing article written by 'Abhijit Bhaduri' titled 'Why do they quit?' .

It is one of the many interesting articles on the website. This article helped me to come out with the idea of 'Multiple exit interviews' and further introspect on the 'work culture'.

Following is the comment which I left on the website after reading the thought provoking article:

"I find the ‘culture’ aspect very thought provoking. I completely agree that ‘culture’ breeds the desired ethos.

But fostering the right culture is rare. It’s mainly because a lot of people managers get a feeling that creating the culture is a lengthy process and the benefits of the culture would be enjoyed by his successor & not by him.A culture can gain it’s visibility and effectiveness only when the culture gets percolated in the bottom of the hierarchy.

Personally I feel implementing the right culture in itself needs a well thought out study of the existing culture,recognising the desired culture which is aligned with the vision and mission statement of the company and then ‘coaching’ the key people on implementation of the desired culture.

Secondly, I want to emphasize on the ‘exit interview’ part. These days when an employee says goodbye to his company ; he makes a point to ‘google’ the key words ‘How to leave a company gracefully???’.

He instantly tries to give his best during the notice period, stops taking any ‘panga’ with his superior and makes it a point to write ‘ how lovely it would be for him to come back and serve the esteemed company’. These exit interviews do not really serve the exact purpose then.
Personally I feel a second round of exit interview must take place after 6 months. It gives the employee more candor and also a different perspective as he would be serving a different culture at a different workplace then.

If we can take multiple interviews during selection then why not multiple exit interview after a medium amount of time gap????
The article is fantastic and this website is my favourite learning site.
Thanks for being an inspiration."

-Saikat Saha[A wanna be HR superstar]

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